SEO Birmingham and all other areas

Get top page rankings with our tailor-made SEO packages

Your website may look amazing, but it’s pretty pointless if people are unable to find you. As IT experts with a genuine interest in search engine optimisation, we’ll get you to the top of the search engine results in your chosen field, ensuring your business stands out from the crowd. Your pages will all be optimised for the keywords that matter, not the ones that are easy to rank for. SEO success depends on long-range planning and choosing keywords that convert easily and quickly to sales.

We’ll work closely with you to identify your business needs and aspirations, continually checking and optimising your strategy and content to keep you at the top. We’re also experts in Google AdWords and social media, so you’ll always be guaranteed a strong online presence and up-to-the-minute execution of important tasks. Whatever your SEO goals, talk to Cloud Zion today about how to drive real results and make sure your website does everything it’s supposed to.

Why do you need SEO for your website?

Search Engine Optimisation is an essential tool for all businesses that are serious about being found online. When done correctly, it can help you reach tens of thousands of customers and beat your competitors in Google searches. However, it’s not just about helping people find you more easily. Good SEO also focuses on the user experience, because if people like what they see when they find you they’re much more likely to become loyal customers.

Our SEO services include:
• SEO audits
• SEO consultation
• Competitors analysis
• Content marketing
• Infographics and other visual content
• Keyword research
• Link building
• Mobile optimisation
• On page SEO
• Off Page SEO

We can promote your business also via PPC, retargeting and social media advertising experience when they land on your page.

Can you afford not to be found online?

93% of all online transactions begin with a Google search. If yours isn’t one of the first few pages to come up when someone looks for businesses in your area, you’re missing out on thousands of potential customers. Our highly skilled team of SEO experts can help get your business where it needs to be, thanks to our winning combination of technical skill and in-depth knowledge of SEO tactics. So, before you know it, all those lovely customers will be coming to you first.
Search engines constantly change their algorithms, making it next to impossible for anyone to maintain high rankings without specialist SEO knowledge, but with Cloud Zion on your side, you’ll never have to worry about struggling to reach the top pages again. We’ll manage every stage of your SEO process to ensure that you secure the very best possible rankings in your chosen area.
Because the landscape is constantly evolving, we invest a huge amount of our time (both during the working day and after we’ve shut shop for the day) learning about new developments and strategies for SEO success. Our ongoing commitment to being the very best version of ourselves ensures you’ll always be at the top of your game too.
Our priority is always the absolute satisfaction of our customers, so you can count on us to deliver honest, well-researched SEO that fully complies with online regulations and never costs a penny more than it should.

How Cloud Zion can improve your SEO?

As seasoned experts in all things SEO, we use a tried and tested process to deliver great results:

Independent SEO audit
We start with an independent audit of your current SEO situation to understand why you’re not getting the results you want. We’ll go through your website to identify any bugs or issues, check your links are all working properly and find out if you’re being penalised by Google for any reason.
We’ll make sure all your metadata is up to scratch and that people can navigate your site easily, before putting together our suggestions for a new approach. We’ll also include information on how your competitors are performing, to help you make an informed decision on how to progress.
Whether you’re just starting out, managing your own SEO in-house or paying someone else to do it for you, our independent SEO audit is a great starting point for long-term success.

SEO Consultation
We believe in taking a holistic approach to Search Engine Optimisation. Instead of being all about the numbers, we’ll work with you to understand your business goals and deliver a great strategy that works for you. From backlink profiles and integrated social media to content management and technical page optimisation, we’ll leave no stone unturned when it comes to getting you found online.

Competitors Analysis
Unless you’re doing something really niche and unusual, you can bet your bottom dollar that there are hundreds – if not thousands – of other companies claiming to be the very best in your industry. We’ll find out who’s doing well with their SEO and come up with a detailed, targeted strategy for beating them in the next round.

Content Marketing
Gone are the days when you could get away with a few nicely written blog posts to get people flocking to your site. Today’s content marketing is much more in-depth and complex, encompassing everything from social media posts to videos and 3,000- word lead magnets. We know all the latest tips and tricks for creating content that converts to sales, and we’ll be more than happy to manage the whole process, so you’ll never have to worry about scheduling blog posts again.

Infographics and other visual content
Broadly speaking, online customers come in two different groups – those who like to read and those who prefer visual content. We’ll take care of everyone by providing a well-written, informative copy, along with infographics, pictures, and videos. Infographics are three times more likely to be shared on social media than the written word alone, so you can count on us to create some first-class graphs and pictures that look great and inspire.

Keyword Research
Keywords are about as important as it gets when it comes to Search Engine Optimisation. Whereas once upon a time, customers would scour the Yellow Pages to find a hairdresser in Hartlepool, all they have to do now is type it into Google. Within a second or so, they’re presented with a sizeable list of companies to choose from, just by entering a few carefully chosen words.
The problem is, different people search for different phrases – other customers might type in something like “Haircuts in Hartlepool” or “Hair Salons Near Me”. So, to ensure you’re reaching as many customers as possible, it’s important that you cater for all their needs. We’ll undertake detailed research into all the relevant keywords and search phrases in your industry and business area to help potential customers find you first.

Link Building
Link building is about making sure other websites link to yours, and it’s not as simple as it sounds. Even those who claim to be experts in SEO often fall down when it comes to link building, which is why you need to choose a company with a proven track record in this area.
At Cloud Zion we understand all the intricacies of the link building process, ensuring that both internal and external links are not only relevant and simple to use, but add real value across different websites.

Mobile Optimisation
Your website might look great if someone’s viewing on a laptop or PC, but that doesn’t mean it will work on a mobile device. With the vast majority of people now using their mobile phones for all their online activity, it’s important that your information can be viewed easily and clearly on all devices.
Not only does a mobile-optimised site deliver a vastly improved user experience, but it will also help you rank more highly in Google searches. Sites with poor mobile experiences are actually penalised in mobile rankings, so it’s our job to make sure that yours is working perfectly on whichever device it’s accessed.

Off-Page Optimisation
The way people find you online isn’t just about making sure your website is up to standard. Off-page SEO is a broad term that encompasses a number of techniques designed to help websites score higher in search engine results. Link building is part of that, along with social media, blog posts and lead magnets that bring people back to your site.
At Cloud Zion we’re experts in off-page optimisation, creating tailor-made SEO solutions to give your website the best possible chance to reach a whole new audience.

On-Page Optimisation
Working hand in hand with off-page optimisation, on-page SEO focuses on individual web pages so that, together, they help you score higher on search engines. It involves ensuring your content is up to date, relevant and includes all the right keywords and meta information, as well as optimising the HTML source page on each page.
This is an area that’s changed a lot over recent years, but at Cloud Zion, we’ve always done our bit to ensure we’re ahead of all the latest trends and developments. The result: a highly successful and efficient SEO service that will get your business where you want it.

Our SEO process

Although every business is different and we carefully create all our solutions around the individual client, Search Engine Optimisation requires a measured approach with a tried and tested process including:

• Research
• Strategy Development
• Strategy Implementation
• Tracking the progress
• Analytics & Reporting

WHY choose us?

As seasoned experts in SEO, we’ve watched the industry grow since we first started fixing computers over a decade ago. Our combination of skill, knowledge and genuine interest in website optimisation mean we’re perfectly positioned to get your page to the top of the rankings. We’ll help you pick the words that convert, help with strategy and planning, as well as ensuring your existing and potential customers have a great experience.

All modern businesses need a well-designed website that provides the right information, is easy to use and looks good, but that’s just the beginning of getting yourself seen online. SEO is an essential part of any web strategy to ensure your business achieves its best possible reach. From carefully chosen keywords and links to mobile optimisation and more, SEO is a cocktail of ingredients that must come together perfectly for online success. Contact our friendly team of SEO experts at Cloud Zion today to discover how SEO can propel your business to a whole new level.


1. Q: How long does it take to rank higher in search engine results?
A: It usually takes an average of 1-3 months to see the best results.
2. Q: How much does SEO for my website cost?
A: Send us a link to your website and we will come back to you with a detailed quote. [Button] [Fill the second form]
3. Q: How many keywords should I use for SEO?
A: The exact number depends on your budget and timeframe for results. We recommend targeting about 5 keywords (each with a monthly search volume 100+).
4. Q: In which industries have you already provided SEO?
A: We work with companies across a huge range of sectors, including engineering & manufacturing, finance, law, nutrition, business coaching, accountancy and many more.

Read more about our cases in different industries by clicking the button below.